Green Apple presents
November 20, Thursday
Route 196, Katipunan, Quezon City
Gate: P200 w/ 1 Drink
Featuring performances by:
Arthur (Cagayan de Oro)
Jeepney Joyride
Between Archery and Olympic
Hey Johnny Wolf
Fools and Foes
Poster by: Bren Pasamba
Band merchandise will be available at the event. SEE YOU!
Green Apple presents BLISS
rsvp: https://www.facebook.com/events/753555408013365
★ Starts 12:00 AM Thu, Nov 20, 2014 - Fri, Nov 21, 2014
Katipunan Ave., Blue Ridge, Quezon City, Metro Manila, NCR, Philippines.
Venue Link: Route 196
Events Manager: Location Info
▲ Event Categories:
re: https://www.facebook.com/greenappleprod/photos/a.202904586418941.49719.202902019752531/802710936438300/?type=1&theater
Green Apple presents
November 20, Thursday
Route 196, Katipunan, Quezon City
Gate: P200 w/ 1 Drink
Featuring performances by:
Arthur (Cagayan de Oro) http://www.facebook.com/ArthurCDO
Jeepney Joyride http://www.facebook.com/jeepneyjoyride
Bubblegoo http://www.facebook.com/bubblegoomusika
Between Archery and Olympic http://www.facebook.com/BAOmusika
SUD http://www.facebook.com/sud.ph
Hey Johnny Wolf http://www.facebook.com/heyjohnnywolf
Fools and Foes http://www.facebook.com/foolsandfoes
Poster by: Bren Pasamba
Band merchandise will be available at the event. SEE YOU!
re: https://www.facebook.com/bandstandphilippines/posts/10152898547852754
re: https://www.facebook.com/bandstandphilippines/posts/10152898520792754
re: https://www.facebook.com/polcalinawan/posts/10152402183651332