RedFeather (Juno Sison) Listen to latest single: FIRE DREAMS

Exclusively distributed by Warner Music Philippines

For those who depart from us, in body or in mind.
Listen to my latest single: FIRE DREAMS :
Written and performed by yours truly
Composer, Arranger, Mixed and Mastered by Ado Ortiz aka Flipperbaby. @ado.ortizzz
Exclusively distributed by Warner Music Philippines

In the Jungian-created female archetypes, the Wolf Woman (La Loba) is also known as Bone Woman (La Huesera) or The Gatherer (La Trapera). In Native American stories, she is known as RedFeather or The Storyteller. Her names may be plenty but her purpose remains the same: to breathe life back to what has been thought to be lost.

The ease and authority that flows from RedFeather comes from an early start in music. Juno was exposed to her parents’ record collection growing up and was taught by her mother to play the guitar. At 15, she knew that she wanted to take the path well-trodden by the soles of the musical greats. So while teenagers busied themselves with soirees, Juno rehearsed in a dusty garage, penned lyrics and found herself in smoky, jam-packed bars doing the obligatory rounds in the gig circuit.

She sang for rock and roll legend Wally Gonzalez, Strawberry Fields, K.O. Jones, etc. She also started the hardcore drum and bass/ electronic outfit FEEN, playing big festivals. But the voice of La Loba was never far behind. And when the pandemic forced the world to stand still, she called Juno by name. It became clear that she had put aside a quietly burning passion for far too long.

And so became RedFeather and her stories made into songs. Proceed with caution when listening to her music. For this is the voice from the deep unknown, from the one who knows. Hers is the voice of the subconscious and it is known to breathe life back into long-forgotten dreams.

Posted By RedFeather

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