Location: Sazi’s Restobar, 1320 España, Manila ( www.facebook.com/sazisbar )
Created By: Indiemand Events, Joseph Leano, Nikai Gonzales Mangasi, Rellesor Supertramp, Gecolea Ice, Karl Vito Cruz, Axel-Herold Cristobal Vito Cruz
RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=158693224210919
INDIEMAND at Sazi’s Bar
September 3. 2011 Saturday 8:30Pm
featuring LONG SETS by:
Maryzark and Mr. Bones and The Boneyard Circus
And support performances by:
Urie’s Attack
Entrance: 150 comes w/ 1 FREE drink
INDIEMAND at Sazi’s, LONG SETS from Mr Bones & BYC and Maryzark + more
– Sept.3,’11 (Sat) 830pm: http://t.co/uYEnjie